A small patch of sand, yet it holds so much

Kevin Quiles Bonilla

Kevin Quiles Bonilla (b. 1992) is an interdiciplinary artist born in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

He received a BA in Fine Arts – Photography from the University of Puerto Rico (2015) and an MFA in Fine Arts from Parsons The New School for Design (2018). His work has been presented in Puerto Rico, The United States, Mexico, China, Belgium, and Japan. He’s the recipient of an Emerging Artist Award from The John F. Kennedy Center (2017). He has presented his work at The Brooklyn Museum, Queens Museum, The Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art, The Lincoln Center, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, and Ford Foundation. He has been an Artist in Residence and Fellow at Art Beyond Sight’s Arts + Disability Residency (2018-2019), Leslie-Lohman Museum’s Queer Performance Residency (2019), LMCC’s Workspace Residency (2019-2020), En Foco Inc Photography Fellowship (2021) and Smack Mellon Artist Studio Program (2022-2023). His work has been featured in Hyperallergic, BOMB Magazine, The Washington Post and The Guardian. He explores ideas around power, colonialism, and history with his identity as context. He lives and works between Puerto Rico and New York.