Brandon Foushée


Y’all don’t wanna hear me, you just wanna dance

126 Baxter Street, NYC

Exhibition Dates:
September 11, 2024 - October 30, 2024

Opening Reception:
September, 11 2024 6 PM-8 PM

Brandon Foushée


Y’all don’t wanna hear me, you just wanna dance

Baxter St at the Camera Club of New York is delighted to announce Y’all don’t wanna hear me, you just wanna dance, an exhibition featuring new and recent works by Brooklyn-based artist Brandon Foushée. The presentation of autobiographical photographs and multimedia pieces will be on view from September 11– October 30, 2024.

Foushée’s first exhibition in New York City presents a compelling narrative that delves into his lineage
and personal relationships. Drawing extensively from his family photo archives, Foushée creates a
visual constellation of interconnected lives. His works bridge connections among friends and family,
often linked solely through their relationship with the artist.

The exhibition showcases a diverse mix of media, including photo transfers on plexiglass and images
overlaid with mirrored surfaces. These assemblages serve as both literal and metaphorical reflections
on the themes of existence and memory, highlighting moments of visibility and invisibility. Foushée
captures scenes ranging from the ordinary to the extraordinary––his parents’ wedding, his young
cousin repotting plants at his grandmother’s house, and his father getting a haircut—each image
signifying transformation and renewal.

Foushée’s works not only chronicle his personal history, but also place his experiences within a
broader historical context—often questioning existence and the daily notions of life. In one striking
photograph, a collection of books that have profoundly influenced his thinking is arranged in the
shape of a cross. The selection includes works by Anaïs Duplan, James Baldwin, W. E. B. Du Bois, and
Frank B. Wilderson III, all of whom explore themes of Black history, Black mundanity, and
Afropessimism. This arrangement poignantly acknowledges Foushée’s relationship with what is
deemed sacred as well as his literary influences, making the piece both intensely personal and broadly resonant.


Brandon Foushée (b.1999) is a photographer born and raised in Budd Lake, NJ living and working in
Brooklyn, NY. His work explores the boundlessness of time in context with familial legacy, collective
memory and invisibility. Foushée earned his BFA in Photography from Pratt Institute. His
photography has been published in Matte Editions, Oranbeg Press and the inaugural edition of The
Photographer’s Green Book Vol. 1. In 2023, his work was exhibited at the Vermont Centerfor
Photography, Temple Gallery NYC and Pratt Institute. He has guest lectured at The New School,
University of Arkansas, Pratt Institute and Marble Hill Camera Club. Foushée was shortlisted for
Photolucida 2022 Critical Mass and the Lenscratch Student Prize. He was also awarded the Gordon
Parks Foundation Student Scholarship in both 2019 and 2020. Currently, Foushée is 1 of 12 artists
that have been selected for Good Black Art’s Beyond the Boroughs 2024 cohort.

126 Baxter Street, NYC

Exhibition Dates:
September 11, 2024 - October 30, 2024

Opening Reception:
September, 11 2024 6 PM-8 PM

Brandon Foushée