Call for Curators

Open Call

The current open call will open on Wednesday March 19th and will close Wednesday April 30th, 2025 at 11:59 PM EST.

Emerging independent curators are invited to submit exhibition proposals. Please note that there is an artist fee available for both curators and artists as well as a production budget for guest curated exhibitions.


  1. Curatorial Proposals may have up to two artists, and may not include the curator as an exhibiting artist.
  2. Potential artists must be contacted by curators prior to submission of proposal to confirm interest.
  3. Artists and curators that have previously exhibited with Baxter St at CCNY must wait two full years before exhibiting again and/or submitting another proposal.
  4. Curators applying must be located within the tri-state (New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut) area at the time of the exhibition.


Baxter St at CCNY is committed to exhibiting:

  1. Projects from emerging curators and artist-curators.
  2. Work that contributes to the ongoing dialogue about contemporary art practices within lens based arts or puts a new perspective on historical work.
  3. Projects that push curatorial practice in new and interesting directions.
  4. Projects that show artists not already represented by New York galleries.

Please keep in mind our limited gallery space while proposing your project.

How to Submit / Format Requirements:

Please submit all your materials through Submittable at .


An overview page with a) name of curator, email address and website; b) name(s) of artist(s), where they are based, email addresses and websites for each; c) a one-paragraph summary of the concept behind the proposal (it can be a paragraph extrapolated from the one-page statement).

A one-page statement describing the concept of the exhibition (maximum 300 words).

Up to 8 images total, with up to 4 images for each artist if proposing a group show. Images should be jpegs, 800 pixels on the long side.

Up to 2 videos can be submitted, up to 3 minutes long max.

An image checklist for photo/video work submitted. Include the image number, artist name, title, year, medium and dimensions.

Resume(s) and bio(s) for curator(s)

Resume(s) and bio(s) for artist(s)

About our Sponsors
Baxter St at the Camera Club of New York is a 501(c)3 artist-run organization. Support for the guest-curated exhibition series is provided by the Phillip and Edith Leonian Foundation.